Dr. Marshall is a McMaster Family Medicine based Palliative Care Physician entering her 31st year of practice. After completing undergraduate, graduate and palliative care training at McMaster, Dr. Marshall joined the Faculty of Health Sciences there in 1990, and has held a number of academic leadership roles, including Undergraduate Director for Family Medicine, and Assistant Dean, Faculty Development for the Faculty of Health Sciences. In 2003 Dr. Marshall helped create the Division of Palliative Care at McMaster and was its founding Director. She examined Palliative Care as Public Health during her sabbatical in 2013, and since then has focused much of her academic work on Public Health Palliative Care. She is currently the Medical Director of the Niagara West Palliative Care Team and McNally House Hospice.
Referenced Materials:
Dobrowolska et al. Predicted difficulties, educational needs, and interest in working in end of life care among nursing and medical students. Nurse Education Today; 2019, 83.